Monday, September 16, 2019


 One of the sad "Truths" we are learning in our world and especially our nation 
 is this…          

 Don't believe a word they say about what's healthy and what's not.
 Why is this important in a blog site entitled "How to Soar"? Because in order 
 to truly feel great in life, it’s really important that our physical bodies are healthy.  
 And this, unfortunately, is not the way our country and our world are currently 
 set up. 

   I myself am committed to living to 150, looking and feeling 35. And that's gonna 
   take something, given the way our society is set up.

   Here are just some of the seeming lies we have been told...

   We were told that milk products were great for us. Now we have a nation with 
   dairy allergies. We were given a food pyramid that showed grains as the food we
  should eat the most of.  Now we have a nation of people with Celiac Disease. We 
   were told fluoride would  help our teeth if we put it in all the water. Now we 
   find out fluoride is a potent aging-agent that the Nazis  tested on the Jews to 
   create deformities in them. 

   Fluoride is now banned in most European Countries. But our Americans dentists 
   still push it. Also because of fluoride we now have calcified our Pineal Glands 
   (or 3rd eyes), causing increased feelings of  alone-ness and isolation. So now we 
   also have to take anti-depressants. 

   The FDA said it was ok to put Bromine in our breads to give them pretty nice 
   holes. This poison is now stored in our ever-growing fat cells. 

   There was also a pretty widespread campaign to take Iodine out of our diet, the 
   natural flouride and bromine Detoxer. That feels like an awful coincidence, 
   Doesn’t it? Fluoride is put in and anything to detox it is taken out.

   The Pineal Gland, or 3rd eye, by the way, is also the gland that allows us to have   
   other-worldly experiences such as ESP, and clairvoyance, and the like. 

   The FDA also said it was ok to put "harmless" pesticides and chemicals in our foods 
   and  to put chlorine in our water supply. They allowed even more of these toxins in 
   the products we put ON our  bodies.

  Currently our population is suffering from all manner of Estrogen Dominant 
  Diseases- from males having large breasts, to children menstruating at age 9, to 
  every female disorder one can imagine. This is because almost all of these FDA 
  approved chemicals (including chlorine) mimic Estrogen. So we are all living on 
  Estrogen overload- from synthetic estrogens (xenoestrogens) to plant-based 
 estrogens (phytoestrogens) to naturally  occurring estrogen. 

  The FDA also approves putting every known product for consumption and skin 
  Care into plastic, perhaps the worst Xenoestrogen. Plastic is also suffocating the 
  Earth. But the companies are paying a lot less to package their food, and 
  surgeons make plenty of money on  hysterectomies. 

  When did it become normal for masses of women to have their insides to  ripped 
  out at age 45? I don’t believe it was normal for thousands of years before.

   Naturally the body tries frantically to get rid of all of this poison. In so doing, it 
   attacks its very own body parts. So now we have all manner of auto-immunie 
   diseases sweeping the planet- everything from Thyroid Disease, to IBD, to Leaky 
  Gut Syndrome, to certain types of Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Vitiligo, Celiac, 
  and so on. If you did not know some of these were auto-immune, check out “The 
  Thyroid Secret” below.

   So more and more money is made managing symptoms, but never curing or 

   Xenoestrogens, we now know, is also a root reason for our collective obesity. 
   Because the body won’t not release poisons into our systems to make us sick, and 
   so it stores them in our fat.  Don’t we finally have to wonder why all of those diets 
  and diet books never make any of us skinny?

   Could it be truly possible that the money powers have so much money invested in 
   hospitals, the dieting industry, & pharmaceuticals that they actually WANT to 
   keep us sick and obese?

  Could it be possible that the FDA itself is actually working AGAINST our health? 
  It's hard to believe that a 5 Billion Dollar per year government agency whose main 
  job is to know what is good and bad for us, doesn’t know ANY of this.

  So we, the average people without 5 BIllion dollars,  have to finally tell the FDA 
  what is safe and what is not. And we have to sue people to make a change in our 
  world. (For instance the current mass suing of  the "Round-Up" manufacturers.)

   This is all hard to believe. But it does, in fact, seem as if it may be true.

   So we, the population, are now taking matters into our own hands. We are 
   becoming powerfully educated- ignoring what the mass media says and 
   searching for Truth elsewhere.

 We no longer “buying” it, so to speak. We are giving our hard-earned money to
people who do not poison us

   It takes something to be healthy in a country where the odds are stacked against 
   that.  Yet in order to truly soar, we have to be healthy. Because soaring means 
   actually feeling good, and even feeling great. 

    I am addressing the body today because I happen to know a fair amount about 
    body health.  But I can't impart to you all of my learning on wellness in this 
    short writing.  Nor is that my primary expertise.
    So I give you the resources below to begin or continue your own journey of true
    wellness and knowledge, and more soaring in life. 

    Namaste and many blessings,

   1) Dr. Isabella Wentz, & her Docu-Series "The Thyroid Secret"  

   2) Steve Wright & Jordan Reasoner, 
        About Leaky Gut, the Root Cause and How to Solve it

   3) The Women's Therapeutic Institute- Estrogen Dominant Diseases  (Search the side-bar for Estrogen Dominant Diseases)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


It has often been said that music calms the savage beast.

As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach who is also a singer I can add
also has the power to awaken our savage beasts!

Many scientific studies have been done on music and the effect it has on the human body.

These studies have shown that when we look under a microscope at a living cell as music
is being played, the cell is actually reforming itself to match the music. When peaceful
music is played, the cell becomes more calm and peaceful. When jarring music is played,
the cell becomes agitated and "riled-up", so to speak.

There is tons of research on the neuroscience of music and its effect on the brain itself.
You may already have heard how certain kinds of music can be used to cause higher
levels of calm or peace or creativity for you.

But did you know how vitally important it is to avoid certain types of music when you wish
to raise your frequency, feel great, and SOAR in life?

I am a music lover and I often say most kinds of music have their place in life. If I am at a
dance party I may want some good rock or pop music to get me excited and having fun.
But I am careful how much of that I indulge in. And it's important to note that a lot of
today's music has surpassed the old- fashioned idea of exciting, contrasting sounds and
melodies and moved right into the very popular realm of violent, dissonant, disturbing
sounds- along with offensive, and even violent, lyrics.

This is something to consider as we sit in a nightclub, listening to loud, dissonant, jarring music banging in our ears. Is there any wonder a fight breaks out in the alley after closing? Every cell in one's body has just been agitated, vexed, and riled up. We have quite literally primed our pumps for upset, violence and altercation. All of that is not even counting the effect of the alcohol (or even drugs) we just took we just took in, which dulls our wits, and takes away all fear of repercussions.

To all of my young friends who listen to that kind of music let me say this...

This is not a moral conversation. I am not saying you are bad or wrong to listen to
disturbing sounds and lyrics. But what I am saying is this...

Don't expect to listen to a lot of that kind of music and have life go great for you. Expect
that if you listen to dissonant, upsetting music you will attract to your life dissonant,
disturbing, upsetting, unhappy occurrences and people. And you often won't feel good.

Conversely if you listen loving, happy, inspiring music... You will feel great and life will get
much, much better for you, especially if you combine that with other inspiring,
empowering, & uplifting practices.

Here is my pick for one the very best musical artists I know to forward your life and have
you loving it and feeling great  A musical genius in my book, he is the inimitable...

The very best way to enjoy his musical/visual extravaganzas is to put them on your
biggest Home Theater System, turn off the lights, lie on the couch, and let no-one
disturb you as you immerse yourself in a whole other world- a bacchanalia of possibility.

Each of Don's pieces has its own flavor, so to speak. This one is quite refreshing and

wonderful for inspiration. Use it to revive yourself when your spirits or creative ideas
are lagging. Check out his other pieces too. They are ALL great.

Orchestral Memes Show  2B:  Nature Edition

Please like and share this amazing man’s work, whose loving musical gifts and generous
open-heart enhance all our lives.

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Namaste my friends.

Many blessings to you.
Lorelei Fenton

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

SOARING & SOARING AGAIN... A recap of tips 6-10

For the month of December I am continuing my recap of some of what I have said so far as a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach 

This is a sort of pulling together of some of the tips and tools from my past blog posts, so you can better understand how they all work together to have you feel great.

The point of these tips, as a reminder, is to have us all feeling better and better and better, continuously raising our vibrations and frequencies, and finally getting to the place where we feel great all the time... And thus truly SOAR.

So let us continue.

Tip # 6 is to use healthy peer pressure to help us to soar. In other words, we must find and put ourselves around people who feel great. The reality is that we all are susceptible to the energies of the people we put around us. We can use this to our own advantage by moving toward those whose happy or joyful energy we might wish to have, and away from those we do not. For the full tips on this, please click here. 

Tip # 7 is to lift our spirits by doing that which makes us feel good. This is such an easy way to lift our vibration, or spirits. Yet I believe it is sometimes difficult because when we don't feel good we may simply tend to wallow in it. But I suggest we don't. Because life will get even worse, the more we focus on our misery! So my tip is when you don't feel good, get moving with a way to change how you feel.  For the full tips on this, please click here. 

Tip #8 is to cultivate a personal connection to "Spirit." By this I mean connecting to your Spirit & to God, Allah or whatever you call your "Source". I also mean connecting to other beings of light which may be out there- Angels, Ascended Masters, etc. Now this may sound crazy to you. It sounded crazy to me a year ago too. A lot of people across the planet now have this connection. It is highly empowering because such individuals know a lot more than we do! For the full tips on this, please click here. 

Tip # 9 is to have spiritual experiences along with other human beings. This is different than  # 8 because we are now in communion with others. And being in a group gives one a whole different experience. One type of experience is not better than the other. They are just totally different. With this tip we must also be aware of what truly IS a spiritual experience, & what is a bunch of people going through the motions. For the full tips on this, please click here. 

Tip # 10 is to release what I call our Ancient Past. By this I mean we need to release the past which has accumulated in us over many lifetimes, as Eternal Beings. This is another tip that might at first glance seem "out there." Yet working with people & on myself has provided abundant evidence that we human beings do carry around a residue of our Ancient Past. And if we don't release it, this will forever impede our ability to soar. For the full tips on this, please click here. 

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Namaste and be well.

Lorelei Fenton

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

SOARING, SOARING, SOARING... A Recap of The First 5 Tips.

For the month of November I'd like to do a little recap of some of what I have said as a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. This is a sort of pulling together of some of these tips and tools focused on in the past blog posts, so you can better understand how they all work together to have you feel great.

The point of these tips, as a reminder, is to have us all feeling better and better and better, continuously raising our vibrations and frequencies, and finally getting to the place where we feel great all the time...

And thus truly SOAR.

So let's begin....

Nature Will Nurture
Tip # 1 is to get yourself out into nature. Sit on the grass, feel the warmth of the sun on your face or even a little of winter's refreshing cool air. Take off your shoes and feel the earth under your feet every day, if possible. (But don't get frostbite.) Why do all of this? Because it feels good. And whenever you are feeling good, your vibration or frequency is raising. Are you interested to hear more? If so, read the full article here.

Your Body, The Temple
Tip # 2 is to take excellent care of your body. Eat healthy organic food, and high quality water. Exercise. Get a massage or Reiki. Take a bubble bath. If you want to live to 150 with me, I suggest you buy the book "Ancient Secrets if the Fountain of Youth" (Book 2) and practice the 5 Rites daily.Why do all this? Because how you feel is how your body feels. And your body will feel great with all of this. So your frequency and vibration will go up. Are you interested to hear more? If so, read the full article here.

The Holy Art of Play
Tip # 3 is to find ways to play and have fun. I mean real fun, not sitting comatose in front of a TV set. Be a kid again and do what kids do... run, jump, color, play hide & seek, sing, dance, skip rope, hang on the monkey bars, throw a Frisbee... whatever you want to do that is truly fun for you. Why do this? Because it's fun and it feels good...So of course your frequency & vibration will raise. Are you interested to hear more? If so, read the full article here.

Believing is Seeing
Tip #4 is "Believing is Seeing." This step has two parts... Stop believing the nasty things that make you feel bad. (I'm not god enough. I'm a failure. I'm not very smart. etc. etc.) And start believing the wonderful empowering things that make you feel good. (I am strong. I am creative. I am powerful.) There are tons of ways to tackle what I call "unbelieving"- visualization, imagination, affirmations, hypnosis, mirror work, positive self-talk. And of course my own work fits in this category. Why use this tool?... IT FEELS GOOD to think good thoughts, and so it will raise your vibration. Are you interested to hear more? If so, read the full article here.

Put the Past in the Past
Tip # 5 is to put the past in the past. With this tip we have to really look at how our past still lives in us today. In what ways has our very "Identity", so to speak, been formed by the negative experiences of our past.  For this tip, you will likely need some trained assistance, because the mind itself has created a lot of stories that will stop, impede and restrict you. To use your own mind to police your own mind doesn't really work. There are tools in the full article, and my own work is very powerful in this arena.

Why do this step? If we remove or take away a negative emotion what automatically springs up? If you say a positive emotion, you're correct. So each time you put the past in the past, you feel better and raise your vibration.  Are you interested to hear more? If so, I have two postings on this. Read the first article here. Read the second article here.

I hope this gives you an idea of how these tips all work together to help you Soar.

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Namaste and be well.

Lorelei Fenton

Thursday, October 19, 2017


If you are a newcomer to this blog it will be very helpful to read my Introduction to these tips, and then my post "How to Use These tips."

As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach, I was just speaking with a friend of mine and I told him that part of what I do is to challenge our stuck perspectives… In other words, I challenge many of the archaic ideas that we each are 100% sure are true, despite lots of evidence to the contrary. Then I saw that I needed to write on on step # 10, Release Your Ancient Past. And I thought to myself “Wow is this gonna seriously challenge some perspectives.”

Let me explain… In this writing I am about to delve into the idea of past lives and the concept that we are all eternal beings. Some of you may say “Well so what? What’s the big deal. I already knew that.” Others of you are about ready to close this blog, and walk away completely from the idea of listening to me ever, about anything. And that’s ok if you do that. But I make one small request before you go…Please read this writing to the end first.

I am going to go for the gusto, and address the Christian religion and the Bible here. Because I know the Christian religion and the interpretation of the Bible, is one of the big arguments that there are no past lives

Perhaps you have been brought up in a Christian church. And perhaps that church was very adamant… There is no such thing as reincarnation. There is one life, and only one life. And perhaps there are some references in the bible, the holiest of holy books, that seem to validate this idea of one and only one life.

I’m sure there are, and I am sure you could quote them, knowing the bible as well as many of you do. I am equally sure that some other bible aficionado could find some quotes that indicate the opposite, that we are all eternal beings with many lives. (The bible is chock full of opposites, as I recall from reading it cover to cover a few times in my younger years.)

Some of the bible I ardently loved. (Turn the other cheek. Love thy neighbor. Judge not that ye be not judged.) And some of the bible I just could not buy. I could not believe that a God of love would have a man very nearly chop off his own son’s head to prove a devotion to God. “What!?” I incredulously queried at the age of 11.

I also wasn’t buying the idea that a God of love would actively kill all of the Egyptian first sons. (Aren’t we ALL children of God and what monster would kill innocent babies?) I was not believing also that he would then leave his allegedly chosen people to wander starving in the desert for 40 years, as some warped form of punishment. “Say Whaaattt?” I once again exclaimed. Some say it was not 40 years, in a more accursate interpretation of the original text. But still, what loving father would cause his children starve and die, even for less than 40 years?

So now I’m going to say it.. The ultimate sacrilege to many of you. I know that, and I apologize in advance for any offense. But this MUST be said so that we can all move forward....

What's up with the Bible? (or at least with our interpretation of it.) Because some of what we as a society take from The Bible is clearly divine. And some of it is clearly not.

So I surmise that at the very least, 1600 years later (the new Testament was written approx 400 years after the fact) we are not understanding the Bible as it was meant to be understood.

And here’s what I think probably happened... We human beings got our hands on the bible, and WE mucked it up. We messed with the meaning of what that great book was supposed to say. We added, subtracted, & paraphrased. We did this accidentally out of our confused, fearful , pain-filled minds. And we did this on purpose sometimes, so that those of us in power could remain in absolute power.

The idea that we human beings warped the bible makes all kinds of sense. Because we human beings have been endowed with 100% free will. And we have some pretty warped beliefs and ways of thinking. Inside of that, we are often downright mean and nasty. (I am speaking about the darker, human part of each of us, not the lighter, Divine part.) So of course some of us would take advantage of our own free will to mess up such a beautiful thing as the Bible.

Now I know many of you are saying “You cannot question the bible. The bible is touched by God. It is divinely inspired, and therefore perfect in every way.” But consider this... Wouldn’t that line be a great one to feed to the people you wanted to dominate? Here's an example of what could be the thinking of such power-mongers...

“To be sure that people stay controlled, let’s also take away their right to question this Holy Book called the Bible; a book we have mercilessly corrupted for our darker, human purpose.”

If this was the case, the whole plot worked beautifully well for at least 2017 years, and counting. Not a bad result, one might say...

So back to the concept that we are eternal beings who have had many lives and existences. I don;t say that you should believe this. Many of us do believe it these days because we remember these past lives. We write books about them and some of us know every detail of several past lives. So that if you choose to believe there is one and only one life, you may now becoming the minority.

And yet I would never tell someone to change his or her spiritual or religious beliefs. I know these beliefs are sacred to many of us. And trust me, I spent a lot of years trying not to believe my seeming memories of past lives. But at some point there was so much evidence I was crazy to keep NOT believing it.

So what has to be said, has to be said. There are many of us who work in Personal Empowerment who see how these past lives affect us in the here and now. And it certainly looks like the stories, and false beliefs, and fears, and insecurities we took on a hundred or a thousand or ago live on and still color our lives today.

Here's why it looks that way to us...

Because when one of us here on earth identifies a past-life trigger or false belief, and fully removes it from the root or starting point, life alters appreciably for that person. I have done this for myself, and also caused it for others. For instance I used to have a gaping issue of money scarcity in my life. I had come so far in so many ways from where I started. But nothing I did would change the money issue; not affirmations, or transformational courses, or hypnosis, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Then I saw a past life connection, an incident where I was 'trafficked" sexually as a female slave, and I had decided that taking money was dirty. (We have all had some pretty horrific experiences in our past lives, mixed in with the better ones.) In an instant I "got it". It was 100% true that energetically money had always felt dirty to me . So in some ways, I didn't really want money. I then let go of the idea that taking money was dirty, and voila, money began to flow.

In my humble opinion, there is no greater proof of past lives than that kind of an occurrence.

So Step # 10 to “Rise Above and Soar” is to release your ancient stuck past-life false beliefs and triggers. I can assist you with this, or direct you to other powerful resources. (Referring people to resources is something I often do, because in some ways we are all related and what's best for you is best for me.)

So jump on the bandwagon to believe that you are an eternal being with past lives, and release what keeps you stuck. Or disbelieve the idea, and possibly stay stuck ongoingly in some ways in your life. The choice is yours, brothers and sisters. But choose wisely. For as the 300 year-old knight in the movie Indian Jones once said...

“...the true Grail (or the belief that we are Eternal) will bring you life, the false Grail (or the belief that we are not) will take it from you (metaphorically speaking, of course.)”

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Namaste and many blessings,

Lorelei Fenton


Hello My Human-Angel Brothers & Sisters. My name is Lorelei Fenton and I want to introduce you to my HOW TO SOAR tips. As a Tr...