Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Hello My Human-Angel Brothers & Sisters.
My name is Lorelei Fenton and I want to introduce you to my HOW TO SOAR tips.

As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach I can say this...

These methods come not only from years and years of training, but also from my own journey through a myriad of life traumas, whereby I finally came back to self-love, and love of life. (If you so desire, you can see my full credentials on LinkedIn.)
"Soar with Lorelei" is designed to assist people to rise out of the lower energies (also know as frequencies or vibrations) of fear, suffering, deprivation, sadness, depression, anger, violence, revenge, jealousy, judgment and the like and to have them soaring in the higher energies of love, light, joy, fun, play, ease, one-ness, brotherhood, bliss, and yes even what might be termed as ecstasy. (Consider that physical sexuality is only ONE of several modalities through which you can feel ecstasy. How cool is that?!)   
As a start,  I am offering several, each with a myriad of tools and referrals. These are concrete resources, steps, and tools to Soar over whatever does not seem to work in your life. Some of the tools are completely free. (Outside referrals do not profit me.) I offer them out of love and light in the spirit of support of your journey.  

A bit about me...
I have  a Masters Degree in Education and decades of training in what blocks human beings emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. This includes how to get us all back to love of self & life, and to all of the feel-good energies. I have helped lots of people in this through my process to erase & dismantle core emotional triggers, and the subconscious beliefs that stop or impede us. This process works in record time, and 90% of my clients claim they have gotten large or quantum leaps in their lives. 

In addition, there is a lot I have actually transformed in my own personal life. As a child victim of severe experiences, I overcame and completely erased Post Traumatic Stress and dis-associative personality traits. In this process I literally rebuilt my own fractured 'identity', piece by laborious piece. As I was in this process I also faced and overcame the experience of loving an alcoholic, a heart-breaking divorce, emerging memories of trauma, financial destitution as a single mom, and even separation from my children at one point due to financial struggles.

I tell you all of this so that you know… whatever you have been through or experienced, I understand and can relate on some level.
So what does it mean to "Soar"?  
For those of you who are 'thinkers' like me, here is a bit of science. All energies come in frequencies. We dial into a particular frequency much as we dial into a radio station. The lower energy “radio stations” don’t make for a very happy life or existence. The higher energy stations, so to speak, make for a luscious, delicious, delightful life and existence. In such frequencies you are literally Soaring with all of those wonderful energies.  
Meanwhile, the “quantum” nature of reality is such that when you feel good, more and more good things happen to you. And vice versa.

I would hazard a guess that this is why Jesus said (to paraphrase) “those who have will be given even more and those who don’t have will have even what they have taken from them.” He was very likely warning us about this natural law of the physical universe (similar to Karmic Law) known as the law of attraction. Said another way, like attracts like.   
Here is a synopsis of how and why this law works...
When you have “more” you feel great and exude a higher 'vibration'. You are having fun, playful, at ease, loving, smiling, happy. This energy is delightful. Happy people come around you like a magnet. Happy people often live in abundance, so prosperity comes around too. And this feeling draws more and more of all of that good stuff to you by physical law of the universe.   
Conversely when you have “less” you may find yourself in fear mode, you may feel lousy, and exude a lower vibration. This energy is likewise magnetic for more and more yucky feelings. Happy people avoid you. Miserable people are attracted to you. And more and more bad things happen to you.   
I would surmise that this is also why Jesus advised us to “Turn the other cheek.” Because we don’t want to send out vengeful energy and have it bounce back to us. It is likely also why he said to “be like the birds in the trees and the flowers in the fields.” Because feeling at ease, supported and comfortable will bring what we want right to us.   
This is Quantum Physics, by the way, where it is ever more understood that the very smallest particles of matter, things called Quarks, are affected by human thought. When we think something, that thinking affects the movement of the very particles which comprise all matter.
Translation, our individual and collective thoughts create our world.  
But there are many, many ways to interact with our own minds and keep from going into any lower vibrations (feelings) and to avoid moving those quarks where we don’t want them. Conversely, there are many ways to pull ourselves strongly into the higher vibrations of love, light and so forth on a regular basis.   

As we move together more and more frequently into the higher frequencies, we will literally create that which Jesus spoke of, the Heaven on Earth, and the end of all misery, hatred and suffering. Eventually the lion will lay down with the lamb, so to speak. This is a natural outcome over time because there will be no-one else left living in the lower vibrations, so all of that negative stuff will just be gone.  
I am about to give you all the tips you need to raise your frequency or vibration, fall madly in love with your life and yourself, and SOAR.
These days I live 95 % of the time in the SOAR place. I do what I love and my tupicial emotions are joy, fun, play, and ease. If you want some of that, jump on board and make use of the tips I am about to present to you.   Begin your journey with these two marvelous resources…
1.Diana Cooper- “Awaken Your 12 Chakra” Guided Meditation            
2.Video “Ascension of the Earth”            
This video is truly amazing, and profoundly inspirational.
I will now say goodbye for now. Remember that the first rule of this journey is…  

Please proceed to "How to Use These tips" when you are ready.

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.
Lorelei Fenton

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Hello My Human-Angel Brothers & Sisters. My name is Lorelei Fenton and I want to introduce you to my HOW TO SOAR tips. As a Tr...