Monday, April 24, 2017


As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach I can say this...

More and more and more of us here on Planet Earth are experiencing things that cannot be explained by our 3 Dimensional framework of reality. We are experiencing telepathy, non-science based healing, the miraculous ability to walk on hot coals in bare feet and not get burnt, communications coming at us from other planets, worlds and realms… Angelic beings, Beings from other planets, Ascended Masters who are no longer “alive”. 

Many of us are having a faint, or even solid, ability to remember past existences on this planet and elsewhere. I myself can remember approximately 8 past lives with what appears to be a crystal-like clarity.

Now you naysayers and stark ‘realists” may still persist in calling us crazy. But the numbers of us who experience these kinds of things are rising and rising. Consider that pretty soon it may be you yourselves who are seen as the crazy ones, not seeing the nose in front of your face. 

I am inclined to believe that humanity does have a true, persistent, and multi-millennia insanity. But it may not be that of seeing angels or performing miracles. It may be something more along the lines of us all persisting in abusing, hurting and killing each other all the time.  This really seems a bit insane, does it not?  :))

But back to the subject...

The coming age of enlightenment and what is known as the 5th Dimensional Reality has been called many things. It has been called the end of time, since it is said that time does not exist beyond the 3D reality. It has been called "Heaven on Earth, since it is presupposed that these angelic, heavenly beings have always been right here all around us, and we can be with them somehow. To date we have not done this, they say, because we have not been tuned in to their higher 5 Dimensional frequency.

This coming age has been called the Second Coming, since many of our beloved friends and family, including Jesus they say, will come to greet us and usher in this new heavenly era of love and light. It has been called the much anticipated “One-Thousand Years of Peace.” (Though I myself am counting on 10,000 at least.)

As this new Era is ushered in, how can we each get on the boat to go? How can we be elevated to the 5th Dimensional frequency- a frequency where love is the predominant energy, and all lesser energies of fear, pain, sorrow, anger, violence and hatred no longer even exist.

One might consider that now is the time where we separate the wheat from the chaff, as Jesus once said. In other words, this might be the time where we separate those who have raised their vibrations to the energy of love and only love, and so are physically able to see and come along, and those who have not and so will unfortunately keep themselves behind.

I think many of us have started to see that no-one else is separating us from all of the good things in life. There is no fiery furnace waiting for the 'bad' people. And in fact we are now beginning to think outside of the "bad and good people" formula. We now consider instead those who are willing and ready to grow beyond this fear/struggle based reality, and those who are not. In this case it is WE who separate OUR OWN selves by being unwilling to move forward.

And if this is true, we each must consider this for ourselves...

Will we be the wheat, accepting of all people with no divisions based on race, color, creed, religion, or sexual identity? Or will we be the chaff, stuck in religious dogma, separating ourselves from others, using our Quran or our bible as a justification for becoming Judge, Jury, and Executioner to everyone else?

Consider that there is no book, no matter how enlightening some of its contents may be, which can take the place of our innate divinely-inspired knowledge of what love really is. Consider that whatever causes fear, hatred, separation, or judgment of others in these books, or anywhere, is by no means Godly. Those attributes are simply not God-like, as we each know God to be. We know what God is. We feel it and sense it. And that fear, hatred, separation and judgement "Ain't It", as they say.

So will we be the wheat, learning and growing and raising our energetic vibrations with relentless vigor to be a match for the 5D reality? Or will we be the chaff that thinks “when it happens, if it happens, I will grow then." Perhaps some of us can do this. Perhaps we can walk on the water that we have never traversed before. But perhaps we cannot. Perhaps such a huge change takes a certain level of readiness. And this may be why Jesus said (to paraphrase) ”Be always alert and ready. Because you don’t know when I will come.”

I would surmise that there are other forms of wheat, for instance those who are 100% willing to open up their minds and let go of every scientific and other set-in belief they ever had in this reality. And there is the chaff that will cling relentlessly to the existent beliefs about science and how life “REALLY IS” that abound in this reality. They too may separate from the wheat by being categorically unwilling to think a new way.

Others may separate from the wheat because they are unwilling to allow those they love (family, friends, lovers) to be the chaff without them. So they will not get on the magnificent, glowing Ladder of Ascension when it comes. They will stay to suffer with those they love who wish to suffer. To those of you in this situation, I want to say this… You do not help those you love by staying behind. You will only hurt yourselves. No one can take this journey for anyone else. You cannot save others from the pain of not going.

I do not say all of this to strike fear in all of anyone's hearts. In a world where love really does reign supreme, there is no real reason to fear. If we are eternal beings it must be clear that everyone will get to the 5th Dimensional Reality (and beyond) at some point.

So the question is, will you come with us, now? Are you ready to come with us right now? (And by now I mean the impending now- today, tomorrow, in 2 years, or in 22. ) Or do you feel you need more lives of pain, struggle, and suffering? Which of you is done with this reality? And which of you need more? 

I do not make anyone’s choice to continue suffering wrong. Perhaps suffering is something your soul has a reason to desire, 

as a sort of learning experiment. 

Or perhaps you are ready to let that all go, and come along with us.

If you are reading this now, this is your invitation to the wedding Jesus once spoke of. You are the Brides. You are the grooms. Please DO come to your own amazing feasts of love. Bring your open hearts and open minds, and a modicum of preparation. Everything else will be provided generously.

If you need help with being ready/willing, letting of the past, or forgiving, I and my 12 Tips and the many resources I can lead you to are here for your assistance.

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Many blessings,

Lorelei Fenton
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