Thursday, April 27, 2017


If you are a newcomer to this blog it will be very helpful to read my Introduction to these tips, and then my post "How to Use These tips."

As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach I have an increasing sense that it is  important for each and every one of us to realize our true divinity right now. 

There is a lot happening in the world to indicate 
a) The world is ripe and ready for that particular spiritual awakening, and 
b) We need to have it quickly. 

I won't go into all of the evidence for the urgency right now. However I do want to lay out some evidence that we are in fact divine.
I will look at this today from a Christian perspective. I have found similar evidence in other religions, but I will save that for another day.
So in the Christian world, Jesus pointed to the fact that we are each divine over and over again when he said that HE was the Son of God. Then, most importantly, he called US his brothers and sisters. So if Jesus was the Son of God and we are his brothers and sister, it stands to reason...We are also the Sons and Daughters of God. So what does that mean, to be the Son or Daughter of God?
As a sister, I do not wish, require, or expect that my siblings worship me. That is just a silly thought. So by Jesus' mere use of this term brother, it stands to reason that he saw US to be just as Divine as he was. I can almost hear the hooting and hollering from some of you already. Please remember that I myself did not originally call you the brother/sister of Jesus. It was Jesus himself who said this. So please do not shoot the messenger. Jesus did not see himself as a deity to be worshiped by us. He saw himself our brother.
Now I want to be somewhat inclusive and say that if we follow this line of thought- that we are all brothers and sisters- then we can also conclude that Muhammad, Buddha, and all the other "prophets come-Gods", are also our brothers/sisters. And so it stands to reason that these prophets, like Jesus, did not come here to be deified or set above us. But rather they came to assist us in seeing something.
What did they want us to see?
I am making a case that one thing they all wanted us to see was our Own Divinity. Why do I think this? Because it is ultra-important that we see our own divinity if we want to move into the space of peace on earth, love, brotherhood, and joy. Now each and every major prophet has described this kind of thing as the goal. There is not a single viable prophet or religious sect out there which is saying we should all lie, cheat, steal, kill, and maim each other. They are all discussing how we should treat each other well.
So if goodness and love is the common stated goal of the prophets, why would they want us to know we are Divine?
I have come through to the other side of some deep life trauma and lack of self-love. I have trained for decades in how to overcome that and also helped many others to do the same, So from that perspective I can say this...When we don't realize our true divinity, it causes a multitude of problems. Not knowing who we are (i.e. children of God endowed with God-like qualities and our own divinity) we begin to act like someone (or some 'thing') else. We become very nasty inside of thinking we are NOT God- hating, hurting, lying, cheating, stealing, killing, etc.
Conversely. when we know we are part and parcel of God, we act more like God. What springs forth then is love, compassion, generosity, joy, fun, play, ease, peace and the like. In short, BELIEVING we are Divine, we ACT as a Divine being would act. And believing we are NOT Divine, we act as a NOT-Divine being would act. So it stands to reason we need to know this. And Jesus, and many other prophets, did try to tell us this.
So right here, right now it would be helpful for the stated goal of peace/love that we each resolve ourselves to the fact that we are God. I am not saying we are the Whole of God. But I am saying  we are a Part of Him. And I am saying we are each an important part, just as Jesus was. If it suits some of you better, you may call yourself Human-Angels, for I am quite sure that is also true.
So why am I even saying that we are God? What, pray tell, does that have to do with our bodies?
It has been said that the body is a temple. So our physical bodies are quite literally the Temples in which we house our own Divinity. This makes sense. You don't build a temple unless you have a God to put in it. So the body is the Temple and we are the Gods and Goddesses...
Moreover, these bodies are tailor-made to allow us to live as these Human-Angels comfortably, happily, and joyfully for what many speculate to be well over 150 years. Yes it is true. Many scientist now concur that the body was made to last a lot longer than it now does. So if that is true, why do most of our bodies last a measly 80-90 years, before deteriorating into a near decrepit state?
Consider that this is because we treat our bodies, the homes for our Divine souls and spirits, more like the local garbage dumps, than Temples. We feed our bodies a steady diet of murderous pesticides and plastics, GMOs, unnatural chemicals and by-products, polluted air, toxic skin products, garbage/nutrition deficient food such as Mcdonalds, Burger King, and Dunkin Donuts. And the dumps are now overflowing with rotting, fly-ridden, smelly, toxic by-products and waste. And so our bodies, our Temples, are literally being killed by us way before their time.
There are some other things we all do that kill our holy temples. We force our bodies to go, go, go, all day, every day, in a feverish quest for something we call "success". If we want it to lose weight or gain muscle, we starve our bodies, or work our Temples like we wouldn't work a dog, We call our Temples names like fat, ugly, obese, and the ever famous..."My body is a temple... The Temple of Doom." This would be funny. except we little realize how we kill ourselves off with our own words, thoughts and beliefs. Words create and words kill, which is why the bible says... "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." (Words in this sense of course embody all Consciousness, thought as well as spoken.)
So we use our words and thoughts with a vehement disregard for their power over the body. And we little realize in our Western quests for success and a profit-driven collective image of perfection, that we are failing in the one thing that really matters. We are failing at enjoying and loving the beauty and wonder that WE ARE. Because warts and all, we are ALL pretty wondrous creatures.
Taking care of our Temples is also a form of Self-Love. It is the physical form of that love.
Meanwhile, Self-Love is our entry point for all other kinds of love. In other words... for any one of us to be truly loving to other people (our family, our children, our mates) we must each love and take care of ourselves. If we don't do that, we will certainly act out our pain and misery on other people. Unhappy people cannot help but to make others around them unhappy as well.
I will give you some personal experience. As a child I felt the pain of my mother's dislike for herself. She tried her best, and is a most wonderful soul at heart. But the wounds her own lack of self-love and unhappiness made in the developing 'Me' were palpable. Again I say, my mother is a wonderful soul who loved us dearly and never meant to hurt anyone. But it is simply impossible to grow happy, healthy, self-loving children if you are not happy, healthy, and self-loving yourself. I myself came out of this state by doing a whole lot of self-love work. I am now itemizing this work to you in these 12 steps. There is not a step here, by the way, that does not relate to self-love.
Self-love is actually the pinnacle for every single access to power in every realm of life.
So we must each love and care for ourselves as a top priority. Then we will be happy. Then we will bring this love and happiness to others. So I hope you will all take on self love in this 2nd step. I hope you will begin to treat your body as the wonderful Temple it is.
Today for this step I am outlining some of the physical ways to be self-loving. Our minds, emotions, and spirits also require self-love. But that is a conversation for another day. If you begin your journey to self-love here in the physical realm, that is a very good start.
So here are some ways to to Treat Your Body as the Temple It is....
A) Eat Organic, Unprocessed Foods.
(Do the research. Eating organic is difficult for some pocket books. But the more we demand inexpensive, non-toxic food, the cheaper it will become. Aldis now has a line of inexpensive organics, and local farmers coops often have organic practices, even though they may not pay for the label.)
B) Avoid Flours (and especially White Flour products) & pastas. Do your best to eat food in or close to its natural state. i.e. eat potatoes, not potato chips or potato flour.
C) Avoid all but natural, unprocessed sugars (fruit, honey, molasses.)
(If your body has become extremely toxic, and/or you have any kind of auto-immune disease. you may need to avoid gluten and/or grain products altogether.)
D) Avoid all sugar substitutes. The chemicals and unnatural processing are killing us all.
Here are two good resources if you are experiencing auto-immune diseases such as Celiac Disease, Thyroid Disease (Graves &/or Hashimotos), Leaky Gut, Rhumatoid Arthritis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Auto-immune skin disease, Adrenal Fatigue, and the like.
    1) Jordan Reasoner & Steve Wright: Solving Leaky Gut
This resource will educate you about the horrific effect of toxins on your body, and how to avoid them.
    2) Dr. Isabella Wentz, The Thyroid Secret
E) Purchase water filtration for your drinking, cooking, showering, and bathing. This is so important, since the adult human body is 60% water. Meanwhile our water supplies are hugely toxic. Here is a good source for purifying your water.
Leslie Gabriel, Waterchek.biz
And now for the really fun stuff...
Choose to do something nice for your body EVERY SINGLE DAY.
Here are some examples...
1) Take a bubble bath
2) Get a Massage
3) Relax in a Hot Tub
4) Take a Yoga Class (Non-strenuous, Eastern-style is best)
5) Do 15 minutes of light stretching (The body loves to stretch!)
6) Go out for a walk in the sunshine
7) Take a Rest/ Do a peaceful meditation
Don Slepian has some of the most powerful music I know to put you in a relaxed meditative state of mind.
When we work on Step 2, we are working largely on our Root Chakra. This is the chakra at the very base of the spine, and it is the grounding chakra, which allows energy to flow from the earth so you can be centered, secure, active, present. The physical body is the very essence of our feeling secure and taken care of. This is because at least in this physical form, here on this planet called earth, we live or die, thrive or whither, based on what happens to our physical bodies.

Archangel Gabriel oversees the Root Chakra, and is most delighted to assist you with this work, if you ask for his help. You can say something like this...

"Beloved Archangel Gabriel, I ask you to assist me with exhibiting self love by caring for this, my Human-Angel Body Temple. Please guide me on the path. And if I go astray or need something specific for my temple, please drop ideas into my head to assist me. Help me also with the foresight to follow these ideas. I ask this in loving gratitude & brother/sisterhood."

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Namaste and many blessings,
Lorelei Fenton
Facebook  & LinkedIn

Monday, April 24, 2017


As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach I can say this...

More and more and more of us here on Planet Earth are experiencing things that cannot be explained by our 3 Dimensional framework of reality. We are experiencing telepathy, non-science based healing, the miraculous ability to walk on hot coals in bare feet and not get burnt, communications coming at us from other planets, worlds and realms… Angelic beings, Beings from other planets, Ascended Masters who are no longer “alive”. 

Many of us are having a faint, or even solid, ability to remember past existences on this planet and elsewhere. I myself can remember approximately 8 past lives with what appears to be a crystal-like clarity.

Now you naysayers and stark ‘realists” may still persist in calling us crazy. But the numbers of us who experience these kinds of things are rising and rising. Consider that pretty soon it may be you yourselves who are seen as the crazy ones, not seeing the nose in front of your face. 

I am inclined to believe that humanity does have a true, persistent, and multi-millennia insanity. But it may not be that of seeing angels or performing miracles. It may be something more along the lines of us all persisting in abusing, hurting and killing each other all the time.  This really seems a bit insane, does it not?  :))

But back to the subject...

The coming age of enlightenment and what is known as the 5th Dimensional Reality has been called many things. It has been called the end of time, since it is said that time does not exist beyond the 3D reality. It has been called "Heaven on Earth, since it is presupposed that these angelic, heavenly beings have always been right here all around us, and we can be with them somehow. To date we have not done this, they say, because we have not been tuned in to their higher 5 Dimensional frequency.

This coming age has been called the Second Coming, since many of our beloved friends and family, including Jesus they say, will come to greet us and usher in this new heavenly era of love and light. It has been called the much anticipated “One-Thousand Years of Peace.” (Though I myself am counting on 10,000 at least.)

As this new Era is ushered in, how can we each get on the boat to go? How can we be elevated to the 5th Dimensional frequency- a frequency where love is the predominant energy, and all lesser energies of fear, pain, sorrow, anger, violence and hatred no longer even exist.

One might consider that now is the time where we separate the wheat from the chaff, as Jesus once said. In other words, this might be the time where we separate those who have raised their vibrations to the energy of love and only love, and so are physically able to see and come along, and those who have not and so will unfortunately keep themselves behind.

I think many of us have started to see that no-one else is separating us from all of the good things in life. There is no fiery furnace waiting for the 'bad' people. And in fact we are now beginning to think outside of the "bad and good people" formula. We now consider instead those who are willing and ready to grow beyond this fear/struggle based reality, and those who are not. In this case it is WE who separate OUR OWN selves by being unwilling to move forward.

And if this is true, we each must consider this for ourselves...

Will we be the wheat, accepting of all people with no divisions based on race, color, creed, religion, or sexual identity? Or will we be the chaff, stuck in religious dogma, separating ourselves from others, using our Quran or our bible as a justification for becoming Judge, Jury, and Executioner to everyone else?

Consider that there is no book, no matter how enlightening some of its contents may be, which can take the place of our innate divinely-inspired knowledge of what love really is. Consider that whatever causes fear, hatred, separation, or judgment of others in these books, or anywhere, is by no means Godly. Those attributes are simply not God-like, as we each know God to be. We know what God is. We feel it and sense it. And that fear, hatred, separation and judgement "Ain't It", as they say.

So will we be the wheat, learning and growing and raising our energetic vibrations with relentless vigor to be a match for the 5D reality? Or will we be the chaff that thinks “when it happens, if it happens, I will grow then." Perhaps some of us can do this. Perhaps we can walk on the water that we have never traversed before. But perhaps we cannot. Perhaps such a huge change takes a certain level of readiness. And this may be why Jesus said (to paraphrase) ”Be always alert and ready. Because you don’t know when I will come.”

I would surmise that there are other forms of wheat, for instance those who are 100% willing to open up their minds and let go of every scientific and other set-in belief they ever had in this reality. And there is the chaff that will cling relentlessly to the existent beliefs about science and how life “REALLY IS” that abound in this reality. They too may separate from the wheat by being categorically unwilling to think a new way.

Others may separate from the wheat because they are unwilling to allow those they love (family, friends, lovers) to be the chaff without them. So they will not get on the magnificent, glowing Ladder of Ascension when it comes. They will stay to suffer with those they love who wish to suffer. To those of you in this situation, I want to say this… You do not help those you love by staying behind. You will only hurt yourselves. No one can take this journey for anyone else. You cannot save others from the pain of not going.

I do not say all of this to strike fear in all of anyone's hearts. In a world where love really does reign supreme, there is no real reason to fear. If we are eternal beings it must be clear that everyone will get to the 5th Dimensional Reality (and beyond) at some point.

So the question is, will you come with us, now? Are you ready to come with us right now? (And by now I mean the impending now- today, tomorrow, in 2 years, or in 22. ) Or do you feel you need more lives of pain, struggle, and suffering? Which of you is done with this reality? And which of you need more? 

I do not make anyone’s choice to continue suffering wrong. Perhaps suffering is something your soul has a reason to desire, 

as a sort of learning experiment. 

Or perhaps you are ready to let that all go, and come along with us.

If you are reading this now, this is your invitation to the wedding Jesus once spoke of. You are the Brides. You are the grooms. Please DO come to your own amazing feasts of love. Bring your open hearts and open minds, and a modicum of preparation. Everything else will be provided generously.

If you need help with being ready/willing, letting of the past, or forgiving, I and my 12 Tips and the many resources I can lead you to are here for your assistance.

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Many blessings,

Lorelei Fenton
Facebook  & LinkedIn

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Many people wonder how best to use these tips and the tools.

As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach, and having done tons of life-transforming work with a high level of success, what I would do is to choose one tool from one of the tips every few weeks. I would use the tool scrupulously for 21 days to test the results. This also begins to make it a habit. If that practice or skill was working for me, I would keep it ongoingly.  

Then every three weeks I would move to the next step and try something new for another three weeks. I would keep it if it helps, and discard it if it doesn't. Then I would go to the next step and and try something new for 3 weeks, chose to keep or discard it. Then I would move to the next step, and try something new for 3 weeks, keep or discard it, and so forth. I would always keep using the tools that help, though I might vary the frequency with which I use them so as not to overwhelm myself. If I got to a point where I felt I had or grown beyond the tool, I would let it go.

With these tools and steps, when you are done with all of them, you can just go back to the beginning and start again, You can choose new tools for the step each time you do this. I will be doing just that with my posts, as I proceed from the end, back to the beginning, offering ever more tools as I go along. Doing this round robin method helps to ensure that you hit each of the Chakras and areas of energy that may be stuck, and that you continue to deepen your results.

If you choose a book, or a video, or a course instead of a tool or practice, then I suggest that you order it or register for it, and get the process going. These kinds of sources will provide their own timelines and you can return to these steps later.

FYI, I am offering you lots of tools, many of which are not mine, and do not profit me, If I suggest a resource, it is one that I know from personal experience is a good resourceresources.

If at any time you become stuck in moving forward, I invite you to reach out to me. I can help you determine what the next best step is that will quickly forward your life There are tons of wonderful ways to forward your life and raise your vibration encompassed in these twelve steps. I will post all links and resources in my sidebar as well.

For some of you this largess of tools may be overwhelming.

Remember, there is no one right way to do this process of growth. If you skip around with the steps, that is ok. If you focus on one area for a long while, that is ok too.  My suggestions are only suggestions. Do the steps how it best works for you, and trust yourself to know what IS best for you. In some ways it matters not where you begin or how you proceed. Just that you DO begin, and you DO proceed forward with some regularity. If you do these two things, your life will begin to alter profoundly.

Please proceed to the first step, step 1, when you are ready.

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Namaste and many blessings.

Lorelei Fenton

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017


If you are a newcomer to this blog it will be very helpful to read my Introduction to these tips, and then my post "How to Use These tips."

As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach here is some striking information I have learned...

Every single living thing has consciousness! I first began to see this in my darkest days- when I was dealing with loving someone with an addiction. In those days I had very little self love or awareness, and a large propensity to allow everyone else's will to overpower mine. I felt I was wrong about everything, and nothing I ever did could be right.

Yet when I would go for a walk in the woods, or sit on a beach near the ocean, I felt something. It was palpable. It was not me. This 'something' literally lived in the woods or the waves. It sent waves of consciousness... "All is well." "Be not afraid." "Breathe Deeply." "This too shall pass."

One might say that this was the God consciousness. And so it probably was. But without  a doubt, this message also came through the modality of nature. It was part and parcel of all living things. Life has consciousness passing through it, coming from it.

Nowadays in my meditations I see this even more clearly. Birds have consciousness. Flowers have consciousness. Trees have consciousness. Cows have consciousness. All of life has consciousness.
And guess what? That non-human consciousness is often more peaceful, and more at ease, than our human consciousness. Birds, bees and trees do not worry... not even one little bit.

Sunlight itself might also be seen as God-Consciousness. It is no accident that the term 'light' is used for spirituality. Light IS Divine Consciousness. Messages pass through light to us here on earth. Sunlight even seems to say... "Come out in me. Bask in my warmth. There is no trouble that I cannot heal for you, no worry too big for me to soothe. Just sit here a bit. All is well."

If you think about it you will realize that you too have felt this, most of you, at one point or another in life. You have been in the sun and felt it heal and soothe you, though you probably never gave it words, as I just did.

So your step for this week is to get out in nature as much as possible. Walk in the woods. Sit by the water. Plant some flowers. Listen to the birds. Try to comprehend what these conscious beings wish to tell you. Pet a friendly cat or dog. Pay attention to the squirrels, rabbits, and deer.

All of this is also wonderful and also luxuriously ffffrrreeeeeeee from any cost...

It is particularly helpful to use this tool of "Nature will Nurture" when you are upset, angry, afraid, sad, depressed, or in any other negative emotion. Simply leave the situation you are in and go someplace alone in God's Natural Wonderland. Then let go of your swirling emotions and thoughts. Shed a tear or two if you must. (Blocking emotions does not help either.) Then just let go and focus on the beauty and wonder all around you.Trust me... things will look much better after you do that.

Some of you may find it difficult to walk away from an escalating situation or upset. This practice may seem like giving in, and may be completely foreign to you. I know because I remember how hard it was for me many years ago. All I can say is that if we want to move forward, we each have to steel ourselves to get away from upsets and altercations- however we each can get away, whatever we must do to get away. Because if we do not get out of that negative energy, nothing will ever change.

I can remember many years ago in my worst days of loving an alcoholic, literally locking myself in the bathroom and running the shower at full steam to block out the sound of my husband banging on the door. I would sit on the floor with the water running, and the sound of the banging and yelling, and read my Alanon book. (Alanon is a great resource for families and friends of alcoholics, by the way. It helped me immensely in those days. ) This relationship was unhealthy, and that is what a dysfunctional  relationship looks like.

Many of us are in dysfunctional relationships where we cannot easily walk away from an upset. Now we don't want to condemn ourselves for being in unhealthy relationships. Some say 90% of our human relationships are dysfunctional. (Which is to say they don't function very well. ) So we who have had them are in the majority. Unhealthy relationships can become healthy, as we each grow more healthy. Or we can walk away and find another healthy relationship. However I will say this...If you are in a relationship and afraid for your safety in any way, please disregard anything I say here and get yourself to a Women's (or Men's) Resource Center. For a fear-based or abusive relationship, we truly need professional guidance to be sure of our safety. Remember also that men can be abused as well as women, and it may be harder to break away due to chivalry, and pride issues. I will speak more about what to do about unhealthy relationships in a later step.

But for many of us, we ARE physically able to safely walk away from an upset, even if we have to steel ourselves to do it. And in that case, Nature will Nurture. I have worked with people who are severely depressed. It is often true that such people will sit in a dark room all alone, sometimes with the covers drawn over their heads, often for days. This is the absolute worst thing to do for depression. It magnifies the issue tremendously. Meanwhile you cannot imagine the change in mood when a person simply goes outside, in the sunshine, light and warmth. A depressed feeling can often dissipate completely in the warmth of nature. So it is important to utilize this powerful step.

If you cannot get out in nature, or if you live in the city, you can listen to nature sounds below. However city or no city, we all need to at least get out in the SUN, even if we just sit on a bench. Sounds do not substitute for sunlight, which is all-important to feeling good. Pandora (on your android phones) also has a Nature Sounds channel, some mixed quite wonderfully with music.

This first step "Nature Will Nurture" equates to your "Earth Star" Chakra, which is your personal link to Earth's Life Force and lies 12 to 18 inches below the souls of your feet. This Chakra is overseen by Archangel Sandalphon, and he is most happy to assist you with this Nature/Nurture work, if you just ask him. Remember that you must ask for Angel assistance, due to the laws of free-will. And always remember to thank the Angels, and give gratitude.

Here is more info on the Earth Star Chakra.

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.

Namaste and many blessings,

Lorelei Fenton
Facebook  & LinkedIn


Hello My Human-Angel Brothers & Sisters.
My name is Lorelei Fenton and I want to introduce you to my HOW TO SOAR tips.

As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach I can say this...

These methods come not only from years and years of training, but also from my own journey through a myriad of life traumas, whereby I finally came back to self-love, and love of life. (If you so desire, you can see my full credentials on LinkedIn.)
"Soar with Lorelei" is designed to assist people to rise out of the lower energies (also know as frequencies or vibrations) of fear, suffering, deprivation, sadness, depression, anger, violence, revenge, jealousy, judgment and the like and to have them soaring in the higher energies of love, light, joy, fun, play, ease, one-ness, brotherhood, bliss, and yes even what might be termed as ecstasy. (Consider that physical sexuality is only ONE of several modalities through which you can feel ecstasy. How cool is that?!)   
As a start,  I am offering several, each with a myriad of tools and referrals. These are concrete resources, steps, and tools to Soar over whatever does not seem to work in your life. Some of the tools are completely free. (Outside referrals do not profit me.) I offer them out of love and light in the spirit of support of your journey.  

A bit about me...
I have  a Masters Degree in Education and decades of training in what blocks human beings emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually. This includes how to get us all back to love of self & life, and to all of the feel-good energies. I have helped lots of people in this through my process to erase & dismantle core emotional triggers, and the subconscious beliefs that stop or impede us. This process works in record time, and 90% of my clients claim they have gotten large or quantum leaps in their lives. 

In addition, there is a lot I have actually transformed in my own personal life. As a child victim of severe experiences, I overcame and completely erased Post Traumatic Stress and dis-associative personality traits. In this process I literally rebuilt my own fractured 'identity', piece by laborious piece. As I was in this process I also faced and overcame the experience of loving an alcoholic, a heart-breaking divorce, emerging memories of trauma, financial destitution as a single mom, and even separation from my children at one point due to financial struggles.

I tell you all of this so that you know… whatever you have been through or experienced, I understand and can relate on some level.
So what does it mean to "Soar"?  
For those of you who are 'thinkers' like me, here is a bit of science. All energies come in frequencies. We dial into a particular frequency much as we dial into a radio station. The lower energy “radio stations” don’t make for a very happy life or existence. The higher energy stations, so to speak, make for a luscious, delicious, delightful life and existence. In such frequencies you are literally Soaring with all of those wonderful energies.  
Meanwhile, the “quantum” nature of reality is such that when you feel good, more and more good things happen to you. And vice versa.

I would hazard a guess that this is why Jesus said (to paraphrase) “those who have will be given even more and those who don’t have will have even what they have taken from them.” He was very likely warning us about this natural law of the physical universe (similar to Karmic Law) known as the law of attraction. Said another way, like attracts like.   
Here is a synopsis of how and why this law works...
When you have “more” you feel great and exude a higher 'vibration'. You are having fun, playful, at ease, loving, smiling, happy. This energy is delightful. Happy people come around you like a magnet. Happy people often live in abundance, so prosperity comes around too. And this feeling draws more and more of all of that good stuff to you by physical law of the universe.   
Conversely when you have “less” you may find yourself in fear mode, you may feel lousy, and exude a lower vibration. This energy is likewise magnetic for more and more yucky feelings. Happy people avoid you. Miserable people are attracted to you. And more and more bad things happen to you.   
I would surmise that this is also why Jesus advised us to “Turn the other cheek.” Because we don’t want to send out vengeful energy and have it bounce back to us. It is likely also why he said to “be like the birds in the trees and the flowers in the fields.” Because feeling at ease, supported and comfortable will bring what we want right to us.   
This is Quantum Physics, by the way, where it is ever more understood that the very smallest particles of matter, things called Quarks, are affected by human thought. When we think something, that thinking affects the movement of the very particles which comprise all matter.
Translation, our individual and collective thoughts create our world.  
But there are many, many ways to interact with our own minds and keep from going into any lower vibrations (feelings) and to avoid moving those quarks where we don’t want them. Conversely, there are many ways to pull ourselves strongly into the higher vibrations of love, light and so forth on a regular basis.   

As we move together more and more frequently into the higher frequencies, we will literally create that which Jesus spoke of, the Heaven on Earth, and the end of all misery, hatred and suffering. Eventually the lion will lay down with the lamb, so to speak. This is a natural outcome over time because there will be no-one else left living in the lower vibrations, so all of that negative stuff will just be gone.  
I am about to give you all the tips you need to raise your frequency or vibration, fall madly in love with your life and yourself, and SOAR.
These days I live 95 % of the time in the SOAR place. I do what I love and my tupicial emotions are joy, fun, play, and ease. If you want some of that, jump on board and make use of the tips I am about to present to you.   Begin your journey with these two marvelous resources…
1.Diana Cooper- “Awaken Your 12 Chakra” Guided Meditation            
2.Video “Ascension of the Earth”            
This video is truly amazing, and profoundly inspirational.
I will now say goodbye for now. Remember that the first rule of this journey is…  

Please proceed to "How to Use These tips" when you are ready.

As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.
Lorelei Fenton


Hello My Human-Angel Brothers & Sisters. My name is Lorelei Fenton and I want to introduce you to my HOW TO SOAR tips. As a Tr...