Monday, September 16, 2019


 One of the sad "Truths" we are learning in our world and especially our nation 
 is this…          

 Don't believe a word they say about what's healthy and what's not.
 Why is this important in a blog site entitled "How to Soar"? Because in order 
 to truly feel great in life, it’s really important that our physical bodies are healthy.  
 And this, unfortunately, is not the way our country and our world are currently 
 set up. 

   I myself am committed to living to 150, looking and feeling 35. And that's gonna 
   take something, given the way our society is set up.

   Here are just some of the seeming lies we have been told...

   We were told that milk products were great for us. Now we have a nation with 
   dairy allergies. We were given a food pyramid that showed grains as the food we
  should eat the most of.  Now we have a nation of people with Celiac Disease. We 
   were told fluoride would  help our teeth if we put it in all the water. Now we 
   find out fluoride is a potent aging-agent that the Nazis  tested on the Jews to 
   create deformities in them. 

   Fluoride is now banned in most European Countries. But our Americans dentists 
   still push it. Also because of fluoride we now have calcified our Pineal Glands 
   (or 3rd eyes), causing increased feelings of  alone-ness and isolation. So now we 
   also have to take anti-depressants. 

   The FDA said it was ok to put Bromine in our breads to give them pretty nice 
   holes. This poison is now stored in our ever-growing fat cells. 

   There was also a pretty widespread campaign to take Iodine out of our diet, the 
   natural flouride and bromine Detoxer. That feels like an awful coincidence, 
   Doesn’t it? Fluoride is put in and anything to detox it is taken out.

   The Pineal Gland, or 3rd eye, by the way, is also the gland that allows us to have   
   other-worldly experiences such as ESP, and clairvoyance, and the like. 

   The FDA also said it was ok to put "harmless" pesticides and chemicals in our foods 
   and  to put chlorine in our water supply. They allowed even more of these toxins in 
   the products we put ON our  bodies.

  Currently our population is suffering from all manner of Estrogen Dominant 
  Diseases- from males having large breasts, to children menstruating at age 9, to 
  every female disorder one can imagine. This is because almost all of these FDA 
  approved chemicals (including chlorine) mimic Estrogen. So we are all living on 
  Estrogen overload- from synthetic estrogens (xenoestrogens) to plant-based 
 estrogens (phytoestrogens) to naturally  occurring estrogen. 

  The FDA also approves putting every known product for consumption and skin 
  Care into plastic, perhaps the worst Xenoestrogen. Plastic is also suffocating the 
  Earth. But the companies are paying a lot less to package their food, and 
  surgeons make plenty of money on  hysterectomies. 

  When did it become normal for masses of women to have their insides to  ripped 
  out at age 45? I don’t believe it was normal for thousands of years before.

   Naturally the body tries frantically to get rid of all of this poison. In so doing, it 
   attacks its very own body parts. So now we have all manner of auto-immunie 
   diseases sweeping the planet- everything from Thyroid Disease, to IBD, to Leaky 
  Gut Syndrome, to certain types of Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Vitiligo, Celiac, 
  and so on. If you did not know some of these were auto-immune, check out “The 
  Thyroid Secret” below.

   So more and more money is made managing symptoms, but never curing or 

   Xenoestrogens, we now know, is also a root reason for our collective obesity. 
   Because the body won’t not release poisons into our systems to make us sick, and 
   so it stores them in our fat.  Don’t we finally have to wonder why all of those diets 
  and diet books never make any of us skinny?

   Could it be truly possible that the money powers have so much money invested in 
   hospitals, the dieting industry, & pharmaceuticals that they actually WANT to 
   keep us sick and obese?

  Could it be possible that the FDA itself is actually working AGAINST our health? 
  It's hard to believe that a 5 Billion Dollar per year government agency whose main 
  job is to know what is good and bad for us, doesn’t know ANY of this.

  So we, the average people without 5 BIllion dollars,  have to finally tell the FDA 
  what is safe and what is not. And we have to sue people to make a change in our 
  world. (For instance the current mass suing of  the "Round-Up" manufacturers.)

   This is all hard to believe. But it does, in fact, seem as if it may be true.

   So we, the population, are now taking matters into our own hands. We are 
   becoming powerfully educated- ignoring what the mass media says and 
   searching for Truth elsewhere.

 We no longer “buying” it, so to speak. We are giving our hard-earned money to
people who do not poison us

   It takes something to be healthy in a country where the odds are stacked against 
   that.  Yet in order to truly soar, we have to be healthy. Because soaring means 
   actually feeling good, and even feeling great. 

    I am addressing the body today because I happen to know a fair amount about 
    body health.  But I can't impart to you all of my learning on wellness in this 
    short writing.  Nor is that my primary expertise.
    So I give you the resources below to begin or continue your own journey of true
    wellness and knowledge, and more soaring in life. 

    Namaste and many blessings,

   1) Dr. Isabella Wentz, & her Docu-Series "The Thyroid Secret"  

   2) Steve Wright & Jordan Reasoner, 
        About Leaky Gut, the Root Cause and How to Solve it

   3) The Women's Therapeutic Institute- Estrogen Dominant Diseases  (Search the side-bar for Estrogen Dominant Diseases)

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Hello My Human-Angel Brothers & Sisters. My name is Lorelei Fenton and I want to introduce you to my HOW TO SOAR tips. As a Tr...