For the month of December I am continuing my recap of some of what I have said so far as a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach
This is a sort of pulling together of some of the tips and tools from my past blog posts, so you can better understand how they all work together to have you feel great.
This is a sort of pulling together of some of the tips and tools from my past blog posts, so you can better understand how they all work together to have you feel great.
The point of these tips, as a reminder, is to have us all feeling better and better and better, continuously raising our vibrations and frequencies, and finally getting to the place where we feel great all the time... And thus truly SOAR.
So let us continue.
Tip # 6 is to use healthy peer pressure to help us to soar. In other words, we must find and put ourselves around people who feel great. The reality is that we all are susceptible to the energies of the people we put around us. We can use this to our own advantage by moving toward those whose happy or joyful energy we might wish to have, and away from those we do not. For the full tips on this, please click here.
Tip # 7 is to lift our spirits by doing that which makes us feel good. This is such an easy way to lift our vibration, or spirits. Yet I believe it is sometimes difficult because when we don't feel good we may simply tend to wallow in it. But I suggest we don't. Because life will get even worse, the more we focus on our misery! So my tip is when you don't feel good, get moving with a way to change how you feel. For the full tips on this, please click here.
Tip #8 is to cultivate a personal connection to "Spirit." By this I mean connecting to your Spirit & to God, Allah or whatever you call your "Source". I also mean connecting to other beings of light which may be out there- Angels, Ascended Masters, etc. Now this may sound crazy to you. It sounded crazy to me a year ago too. A lot of people across the planet now have this connection. It is highly empowering because such individuals know a lot more than we do! For the full tips on this, please click here.
Tip # 9 is to have spiritual experiences along with other human beings. This is different than # 8 because we are now in communion with others. And being in a group gives one a whole different experience. One type of experience is not better than the other. They are just totally different. With this tip we must also be aware of what truly IS a spiritual experience, & what is a bunch of people going through the motions. For the full tips on this, please click here.
Tip # 10 is to release what I call our Ancient Past. By this I mean we need to release the past which has accumulated in us over many lifetimes, as Eternal Beings. This is another tip that might at first glance seem "out there." Yet working with people & on myself has provided abundant evidence that we human beings do carry around a residue of our Ancient Past. And if we don't release it, this will forever impede our ability to soar. For the full tips on this, please click here.
As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.
Namaste and be well.
Lorelei Fenton
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