For the month of November I'd like to do a little recap of some of what I have said as a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. This is a sort of pulling together of some of these tips and tools focused on in the past blog posts, so you can better understand how they all work together to have you feel great.
The point of these tips, as a reminder, is to have us all feeling better and better and better, continuously raising our vibrations and frequencies, and finally getting to the place where we feel great all the time...
And thus truly SOAR.
So let's begin....
Nature Will Nurture
Tip # 1 is to get yourself out into nature. Sit on the grass, feel the warmth of the sun on your face or even a little of winter's refreshing cool air. Take off your shoes and feel the earth under your feet every day, if possible. (But don't get frostbite.) Why do all of this? Because it feels good. And whenever you are feeling good, your vibration or frequency is raising. Are you interested to hear more? If so, read the full article here.
Your Body, The Temple
Tip # 2 is to take excellent care of your body. Eat healthy organic food, and high quality water. Exercise. Get a massage or Reiki. Take a bubble bath. If you want to live to 150 with me, I suggest you buy the book "Ancient Secrets if the Fountain of Youth" (Book 2) and practice the 5 Rites daily.Why do all this? Because how you feel is how your body feels. And your body will feel great with all of this. So your frequency and vibration will go up. Are you interested to hear more? If so, read the full article here.
The Holy Art of Play
Tip # 3 is to find ways to play and have fun. I mean real fun, not sitting comatose in front of a TV set. Be a kid again and do what kids do... run, jump, color, play hide & seek, sing, dance, skip rope, hang on the monkey bars, throw a Frisbee... whatever you want to do that is truly fun for you. Why do this? Because it's fun and it feels good...So of course your frequency & vibration will raise. Are you interested to hear more? If so, read the full article here.
Believing is Seeing
Tip #4 is "Believing is Seeing." This step has two parts... Stop believing the nasty things that make you feel bad. (I'm not god enough. I'm a failure. I'm not very smart. etc. etc.) And start believing the wonderful empowering things that make you feel good. (I am strong. I am creative. I am powerful.) There are tons of ways to tackle what I call "unbelieving"- visualization, imagination, affirmations, hypnosis, mirror work, positive self-talk. And of course my own work fits in this category. Why use this tool?... IT FEELS GOOD to think good thoughts, and so it will raise your vibration. Are you interested to hear more? If so, read the full article here.
Put the Past in the Past
Tip # 5 is to put the past in the past. With this tip we have to really look at how our past still lives in us today. In what ways has our very "Identity", so to speak, been formed by the negative experiences of our past. For this tip, you will likely need some trained assistance, because the mind itself has created a lot of stories that will stop, impede and restrict you. To use your own mind to police your own mind doesn't really work. There are tools in the full article, and my own work is very powerful in this arena.
Why do this step? If we remove or take away a negative emotion what automatically springs up? If you say a positive emotion, you're correct. So each time you put the past in the past, you feel better and raise your vibration. Are you interested to hear more? If so, I have two postings on this. Read the first article here. Read the second article here.
I hope this gives you an idea of how these tips all work together to help you Soar.
As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.
Namaste and be well.
Lorelei Fenton