As a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach who is also a singer I can add
also has the power to awaken our savage beasts!
Many scientific studies have been done on music and the effect it has on the human body.
These studies have shown that when we look under a microscope at a living cell as music
is being played, the cell is actually reforming itself to match the music. When peaceful
music is played, the cell becomes more calm and peaceful. When jarring music is played,
the cell becomes agitated and "riled-up", so to speak.
also has the power to awaken our savage beasts!
Many scientific studies have been done on music and the effect it has on the human body.
These studies have shown that when we look under a microscope at a living cell as music
is being played, the cell is actually reforming itself to match the music. When peaceful
music is played, the cell becomes more calm and peaceful. When jarring music is played,
the cell becomes agitated and "riled-up", so to speak.
There is tons of research on the neuroscience of music and its effect on the brain itself.
You may already have heard how certain kinds of music can be used to cause higher
levels of calm or peace or creativity for you.
You may already have heard how certain kinds of music can be used to cause higher
levels of calm or peace or creativity for you.
But did you know how vitally important it is to avoid certain types of music when you wish
to raise your frequency, feel great, and SOAR in life?
to raise your frequency, feel great, and SOAR in life?
I am a music lover and I often say most kinds of music have their place in life. If I am at a
dance party I may want some good rock or pop music to get me excited and having fun.
But I am careful how much of that I indulge in. And it's important to note that a lot of
today's music has surpassed the old- fashioned idea of exciting, contrasting sounds and
melodies and moved right into the very popular realm of violent, dissonant, disturbing
sounds- along with offensive, and even violent, lyrics.
This is something to consider as we sit in a nightclub, listening to loud, dissonant, jarring music banging in our ears. Is there any wonder a fight breaks out in the alley after closing? Every cell in one's body has just been agitated, vexed, and riled up. We have quite literally primed our pumps for upset, violence and altercation. All of that is not even counting the effect of the alcohol (or even drugs) we just took we just took in, which dulls our wits, and takes away all fear of repercussions.
dance party I may want some good rock or pop music to get me excited and having fun.
But I am careful how much of that I indulge in. And it's important to note that a lot of
today's music has surpassed the old- fashioned idea of exciting, contrasting sounds and
melodies and moved right into the very popular realm of violent, dissonant, disturbing
sounds- along with offensive, and even violent, lyrics.
This is something to consider as we sit in a nightclub, listening to loud, dissonant, jarring music banging in our ears. Is there any wonder a fight breaks out in the alley after closing? Every cell in one's body has just been agitated, vexed, and riled up. We have quite literally primed our pumps for upset, violence and altercation. All of that is not even counting the effect of the alcohol (or even drugs) we just took we just took in, which dulls our wits, and takes away all fear of repercussions.
To all of my young friends who listen to that kind of music let me say this...
This is not a moral conversation. I am not saying you are bad or wrong to listen to
disturbing sounds and lyrics. But what I am saying is this...
disturbing sounds and lyrics. But what I am saying is this...
Don't expect to listen to a lot of that kind of music and have life go great for you. Expect
that if you listen to dissonant, upsetting music you will attract to your life dissonant,
disturbing, upsetting, unhappy occurrences and people. And you often won't feel good.
that if you listen to dissonant, upsetting music you will attract to your life dissonant,
disturbing, upsetting, unhappy occurrences and people. And you often won't feel good.
Conversely if you listen loving, happy, inspiring music... You will feel great and life will get
much, much better for you, especially if you combine that with other inspiring,
empowering, & uplifting practices.
much, much better for you, especially if you combine that with other inspiring,
empowering, & uplifting practices.
Here is my pick for one the very best musical artists I know to forward your life and have
you loving it and feeling great A musical genius in my book, he is the inimitable...
you loving it and feeling great A musical genius in my book, he is the inimitable...
The very best way to enjoy his musical/visual extravaganzas is to put them on your
biggest Home Theater System, turn off the lights, lie on the couch, and let no-one
disturb you as you immerse yourself in a whole other world- a bacchanalia of possibility.
Each of Don's pieces has its own flavor, so to speak. This one is quite refreshing and
wonderful for inspiration. Use it to revive yourself when your spirits or creative ideas
are lagging. Check out his other pieces too. They are ALL great.
biggest Home Theater System, turn off the lights, lie on the couch, and let no-one
disturb you as you immerse yourself in a whole other world- a bacchanalia of possibility.
Each of Don's pieces has its own flavor, so to speak. This one is quite refreshing and
wonderful for inspiration. Use it to revive yourself when your spirits or creative ideas
are lagging. Check out his other pieces too. They are ALL great.
Orchestral Memes Show 2B: Nature Edition
Please like and share this amazing man’s work, whose loving musical gifts and generous
open-heart enhance all our lives.
As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.
open-heart enhance all our lives.
As always, all of this is contributed to you from a place of humility. Yes I am a Transformational Personal Growth & Life Coach. However, when all is said and done, the biggest trainer we each have is that Higher & Divinely Connected Self within us.
Namaste my friends.
Many blessings to you.
Lorelei Fenton
Lorelei Fenton